Tuesday 29 January 2013
Rail Freight

International Rail Freight Conference “IRFC 2013” to be held from 13 – 15 March 2013

East and West Railways’ Top Managers Meet in Prague

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The prestigious international conference IRFC 2013 (International Rail Freight Conference) will be held from 13 – 15 March 2013 in Prague, in partnership with the most significant European railway institutions, and under the auspices of the Czech Ministry of Transport.

The aim of this specialist conference is to provide an opportunity to exchange information and experience of companies involved in existing railway transport between Europe and Asia and to highlight new trends in the field of international transport and logistics. After four previous successful editions, IRFC 2013 will focus on topics related to the dialogue between railway companies and their customers. The whole event will be held under the patronage of the international institutions and their top-representatives led by UIC, Organization for Cooperation of Railways (OSJD), International European Association of Railway Industry (UNIFE), and the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER).

Main topics of the IRFC 2013 Conference are:

  • Transportation of goods between Europe and Asia
  • Tariffs, prices, stability, competition, eBusiness, eCommerce, consignments tracking, non-standard transports, etc.
  • Transportation systems
  • Combined transport, container terminals, border crossing stations, cooperation of railway companies, train composition, etc.
  • Railway technology
  • Railway industry, wagons, locomotives, technical equipment, modernisation, rolling stock, registers, intelligent vehicle
  • Infrastructure, safety
  • Development of the railway network, logistic centres, interoperability, RU-IM relationship, securing of shipments, security services, insurance, etc.

The third day of the conference will be devoted to a thematic excursion on a historical train to the railway test ring in Velim. With the cooperation of the Rail Research Institute (VUZ), a guided tour will be arranged in Velim of one of the most respected test centres of railway technology and railway facilities in Europe. After getting acquainted with this top test centre, participants will visit the famous brewery in Nymburk.

This year will also be very rich in accompanying events that will take place in parallel with the conference programme. One of the most important accompanying events will certainly be meeting the UIC European Management Committee (EMC) with the participation of top representatives of European railways, including the President of SNCF and CEO of RZD, DB, ÖBB, PKP, FS, MAV, BLS, CP and RFF railways. A professional public will no doubt be interested in the International Galileo User Forum entitled “GNSS for Optimizing Logistics” dedicated to the use of global navigation satellite systems in transport and logistics.

On the eve of the conference the EURASIA FORUM will be held (not part of the conference), where the following top representatives of railway organisations will deliver their presentations:

  • Vladimir Yakunin, President Russian Railways and UIC Chairman
  • Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, Director General UIC
  • Philippe Citröen, Director General UNIFE
  • Libor Lochman, Executive Director CER

This high level conference not only calls for participation, but also represents an exceptionally interesting opportunity to actively support the conference through sponsoring or exhibition. Sponsors are also invited to attend the VIP dinner for EMC and speakers and will be given preference in the selection of lectures for the conference.

Registration forms, all conditions for potential sponsors and exhibitors and other information can be found on the website: www.IRFC.eu

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