Tuesday 9 January 2018

Latest news about the TALENT project

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The TALENT project deals with the need of the rail sector to better attract and retain the best talents in the job market.

In view of the several HR challenges facing the railway industry (demographic challenge and skills shortage, corporate knowledge, attractiveness, gender diversity...), UIC reckons that it has an important role to play by engaging at the international level an active dialogue and support across the rail sector, attracting talented staff to make a career in the railways.

At the core of the project is the development of a powerful international network of railway talents aiming to prepare a new generation of railway talents working on domestic and international challenges, with a deep understanding of business approaches, multi-language and intercultural skills, well known and recognised by the international railway community.

Recent & upcoming developments/activities:

One: The digital platform has been revamped in order to create a strong & sustainable foundation for international cooperation and transmission amongst railway talents. The platform has the following objectives of *Guiding and Connecting Within and Beyond the Railway Industry, *Helping Rail People and Companies Learn, Transmit & Develop, *Promoting Innovation and Careers in the Railway Sector
Don’t wait and visit the new www.railtalent.org
Two: Staff Development programme

The 3rd Networking & Collaborative event was held in Moscow from 7 – 9 December in the frame of the transport week, which is an annual business event that includes a series of nationwide and international activities dedicated to the transport industry.
The three-days event held in co-operation with Russian University of Transport RUT (MIIT) was very dense. It was organised around five activities:

  • Networking
  • Presentation of the best results of the youth contest 2017. The contest targets children between 12 – 19 years. Railway Talent has been an official partner of the “Transport of the Future” youth contest since its first edition
  • Training session
    The training day focused on multimodality with a business game dedicated to the “Organisation of work of a passenger transport-interchange hub”.
    By attending the training, the participants practised their skills in decision-making, problem solving, communication and team work, as well as learnt modern approaches in the field of marketing research.
  • 11th International Exhibition Transport of Russia. The Talent group had the possibility to visit the exhibition as well as attend a round table presentation with the participation of UIC (Nathalie Amirault) dedicated to Education 2.0 in transport industry.
  • Technical and tourist visit
    The 2017 Talent event gathered young professionals and PHD students from 15 countries from Europe, Asia and Africa.

Online training
UIC has created a new learning environment which is flexible, self-paced, collaborative (benefit from the collective intelligence of a community of practice), evolving (the course grows over time through the contributions of the participants) and recognised [credentials (Open Badges) enrich participants’ professional profile].

Save the date! The first online UIC course will start on 15 January for a duration of one month. The course is dedicated to RAM (Railway Asset Management) and has been developed in collaboration with La Sapienza University and Oxand. You can find more information and register at the following address:


You can discover many more possibilities offered by the project by visiting: www.railtalent.org

For further information please contact Nathalie Amirault, Head of Unit:


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Nathalie Amirault (UIC) participates in a round table discussion dedicated to Education 2.0 for transport industry – Transport week, 4 – 9 December 2017
03. “Transport of the Future” youth contest: some of the best selected projects
04. Feedback by one of the group coordinators during the training session
Training Day