Tuesday 18 July 2023

“New Tickets for New Behaviours”: second Customer Experience Management Platform (CEMP) workshop held online on 16 June

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This second CEMP (UIC Customer Experience Platform) workshop organised in cooperation with CRTS (Commuter and Regional Train Services) took place online and focused on the challenges and opportunities brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic regarding tariffs.

Representatives from DSB (Denmark), SNCB (Belgium), CFL (Luxemburg), MAV Start (Hungary), Trenitalia (Italy), DB (Germany) and SBB (Switzerland) presented the efforts of their companies to bring passengers back to track and to improve customer experience using new tariffs better adapted to new behaviours.

At the end of the workshop, Jörg Ostwald, chair of CEMP, summarised the key points discussed throughout the session:

  • Impact of Covid-19: The pandemic has presented challenges and opportunities for improving customer experience. The workshop highlighted changes in customer behaviour and usage patterns, including shifts from business to leisure travel.
  • Customer experience measures: The working group discussed various measures to enhance customer experience. Examples included increasing space for bicycles and luggage on trains, improving services at stations, introducing tourist train products, implementing new marketing strategies, and enhancing onboard services. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were emphasised as important tools for assessing service quality.
  • Challenges and flexibility: Dealing with variations in peak days and hours is a challenge. Flexibility is crucial in meeting customer needs, both in terms of train operations and tariff options. Adapting planning to changing conditions, such as weather forecasts, requires flexibility and courage.
  • Digitalisation: Digitalisation was recognised as a valuable tool in addressing changing challenges and meeting customer expectations. However, it was also noted that digitalisation demands significant investments of time, resources and money. It alone cannot solve all operational challenges.
  • International cooperation: The workshop highlighted the importance of international cooperation and learning from each other’s experiences and best practices. The shared challenges and experiences across different countries and regions were acknowledged, providing reassurance and the opportunity for collaboration.

In conclusion, new tickets and fares are an important way for railways to adapt to changing customer behaviours and expectations. By offering a range of ticket options, railways can meet the needs of a diverse range of customers and ensure that their services remain relevant and valuable. The rise of remote working has created new challenges and opportunities for railway companies, and they are actively seeking ways to adapt and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market.

During the workshop, the role of digitalisation was recognised, but the need for flexibility and collaboration between national and international stakeholders was also emphasised as an essential factor in meeting customer needs and addressing future operational challenges.

For more information on UIC Customer Experience or the Commuter and Regional Train Services sector, check the UIC website:

For further information, please contact Vanessa Perez at perez at uic.org

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