Wednesday 12 June 2024

TRESPAD and ILCAD conferences held in Buenos Aires

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On 5 June 2024, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, UIC launched the 3rd edition of TRESPAD, the International Trespassing Awareness Day.

Julián Obaid, President of the Argentinian Transport Safety Board (JST), and Dr Ann Mills of RSSB, UIC Chair of the TreSP-Network and Chair of the UIC Safety Platform, officially opened the conference, which was attended by 190 people from 18 countries around the world.

Outstanding presentations were given on hard and soft measures related to trespass and suicide prevention by

  • Nils la Cour, Danish State Railways (DSB) and Vice Chair of the UIC TreSP-Network
  • Laura Lorenzo Carrascosa, the Spanish Railway Foundation (FFE)
  • Francisco Garcia Torres, the Spanish Railway Safety Agency (AESF)
  • Luc Sillen together with Catherine Gillard and Annelies De Keyser from INFRABEL were represented by Isabelle Fonverne (UIC)
  • Geraldine López Martínez, the Mexican Railway Association
  • Juan Ramón Cifre, President of the Argentinian Railway Welfare Fund (OSFE)
  • Robert Wainwright, Network Rail
  • Heather Neil, TRACKSAFE Australia
  • Rachel Maleh, Operation Lifesaver inc.
  • Angus Mitchell, Australian Transport Safety Bureau
  • Dr Vinod Bhatia, Indian railways, and Vipul Singhal, Indian Ministry of Railways

On 6 June 2024, the 16th edition of ILCAD, the International Level Crossing Awareness Day, jointly organised by UIC and JST, was opened by Obaid, Allan Spence, Chair of the UIC Global Level Crossing Network (GLCN), and Suzanna Zammataro, Director General of the International Road Federation (IRF).

Speakers took to the floor to give a variety of presentation on both hard and soft measures to improve safety at level crossings including:

  • Diego Di Siervi, JST
  • Omar Alonso Antimán Rodríguez, Chilean State Railway Company
  • Helena Rådbo, Trafikverket
  • Wainwright, Network Rail
  • Juan Ramón Negrete, Ferroviaria Oriental S.A.
  • Danijela Baric, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
  • Maryam Hedayati, Transport Canada
  • Starr Daniell Kidda, Federal Railroad Administration and Ruben D. Peña B., ENSCO, Inc.
  • Wende Corcoran, Operation Lifesaver, Inc.
  • Sanja Paic, Safety Guru Institute
  • Lisandro López Piñeyro, JST
  • Łukasz Sawicki (PKP Group Foundation).

Finally, TRESPAD and ILCAD would like to extend their thanks to their sponsors Schweizer Electronic AG, Gmundner Fertigteile and Wavetrain Systems AS, our s well as the speakers and all of the delegates for participating, and the JST team for their outstanding support and very warm welcome to Argentina which contributed to the success of the 3-day event @Junta de Seguridad en el Transporte UIC - International union of railways #UICrail #safety #levelcrossing #TresspassSuicidePrevention #saferlc #restrail

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The 4th edition of TRESPAD and 17th edition of ILCAD are planned to take place in Great Britain (location tbc) on 4 and 5 June with a technical visit on 6 June 2025.

If you wish to organise the 2026 event or a later one, please send an email to Isabelle Fonverne at fonverne at

For further information, please contact us here:

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